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Small But Mighty: Neon Loon Team Earns National Awards

Neon Loon Communications was recently honored with a few national awards – and by “recently,” we mean earlier this summer since we’ve been busy focusing on our client work rather than taking the time to pat ourselves on the back!

The National Federation of Press Women, which represents professionals and students working across the communications spectrum in the United States, announced the awards during their annual conference in June in Missouri.

Of the 1,850 entries, Amy Wieser Willson, Ph.D., Neon Loon’s president, had three entries and received three awards.

“We care most about providing our clients with the best-quality, most strategic approach to their communications and marketing needs,” Wieser Willson said. “Being recognized for that work, especially when it’s compared to that of our peers across the nation, feels validating in that we are accomplishing our goals for those who trust us with their business.”

The awards include:

1st Place in Communications Programs and Campaigns for MFDA Funding & Financing 101, which the judges called, “Excellent! Effective video and message. Way to make a complex topic clear and concise!”

2nd Place in Web and Social Media for NeonLoon.com’s website copy. “This is a well-done site!” the judges wrote. “The web copy complements the imagery beautifully. It’s clean and appealing, making it incredibly easier for the reader to find exactly what they need easily.”

Honorable Mention in Specialty Articles (Business) for 10 Things to Consider Before Hiring a Frac Sand Transportation Company. The judges said it was “A great quick hit with useful information and perspective for readers. Nice tone and economy throughout. Its digestibility disguises the dense utility it likely brings for the audience. Well done.”

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